What Kinds Of Activities Take Place In Class Or Outside Of Class?

What Kinds Of Activities Take Place In Class Or Outside Of Class?

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Step One (one or two paragraphs):

Choose a class you are taking now or have recently taken. Describe the class in detail. What are class meetings like (e.g. lecture, discussion, group work)? How does the professor interact with students in class?
What kinds of activities take place in-class or outside of class? What kinds of assignments or assessments are there in the class? (It can be a class you liked, disliked, or didn’t have a strong opinion about)
Step Two (one or two paragraphs):

Using concepts, terms, and quotations from Paolo Freire and the other authors we have read this term, analyze the class you have described. Is the class based in a “Banking” or “Problem-solving” model? What would
Freire say about the class? What ideas from the other course readings can you connect with the class you describe?
Step Three (one paragraph):

Describe your experience in the class and the effect of the class format on you and your learning process. You may also want to include information on how the class affected your peers. The goal in this paragraph is to
think about the effects of the particular educational format. (The effects may be positive, negative, or both)
Step Four (one paragraph):
Consider the overall result of your analysis. Does your analysis lead you to agree or disagree with Freire or another author we have read this term? Does your analysis allow you to make recommendations for how a course
might be improved or allow you to identify things that other courses should adopt? In other words, what have you learned from your analysis and why is it important?
Step Five (one paragraph):

Write an introduction to your essay that draws the reader in, introduces the topic, and includes a three-level thesis statement. (We’ll study the three-level thesis statement in class)
The final version of your analytic essay must have the following paragraphs:
– An Introduction (including a three-level thesis statement)
– One or two paragraph(s) describing a particular class in detail
– One or Two paragraph(s) analyzing the situation you describe above using critical terms and concepts from the readings.
– One paragraph describing and analyzing the effects of the class on you and/or your peers
– A conclusion paragraph in which you describe the results of your analysis and the broader implications of what you have found.
The final version of your analytic essay must use outside sources. It must:
-Include at least two direct quotes and two instances of paraphrase
-Include at least one quote from Freire
-Include at least one quote or paraphrase from an author other than Freire
-Include in-text citations and a works cited page
I sent the photo of one sources name “The Sanctuary Of School”, and there are two link of another two sources.

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