Understanding Millenials Through The Concepts Of Empathy, Authenticity, And Purpose

Understanding Millenials Through The Concepts Of Empathy, Authenticity, And Purpose

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Every Paper must analyze America and Millennials in depth! You may analyze global aspects of Millennials, but the bulk of your paper must center on America. The American portion must constitute the bulk of your paper.
Every Paper should analyze, in part, issues related to audience and discourse. For example, if you want to analyze and compare how one group sees another — how do children see movies v. adults in real-life interviews or in films and stories, that would be fine. What discourse, operates there? How do child psychologists v. parents, v. children, v. film critics see the movie? What language or terminology do they use to describe it? What are the concerns of business and marketing? In other words, any and all topics from historical ones critiquing race and its long- range impact, to psychological or social ones involve at some level, how one group sees another and how they see themselves and how they are talked about — issues of audience and discourse.


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