Simple research about Coronavirus COVID-19

Simple research about Coronavirus COVID-19

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Coronavirus research. Conduct a coronaviruses outbreak investigation and discuss your findings with other colleagues. Ensure you apply steps of how the disease spreads and preventative measures to stop the spread.

Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) or 2019-nCOV is the latest outbreak that has a grave effect on the respiratory functionality. This respiratory illness emanated from Wuhan City, China. COVID-19 has now spread to other parts of world, with Europe as the Epicenter. While researchers have been working with a family of Coronaviruses for the last 3 decades, the recent outbreak of COVID-19 is analogous to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), hence this team of researchers can help the world zero-in on the right vaccine because they have a grasp of COVID’s biological features, pathogenesis, transmission between different species and its ability to adapts to the new ecosystem. To arrive at the best diagnostics, therapy and vaccines against COVID-19, NIAID scientists and researchers have the requite experience to exploit modern technology of cell and molecular biology not only to understand the intracellular reproduction as well as viral biology but also use reverse genetics to elaborate determinants of how COVID-19 replicates, how different species adapt in a given ecology and the spread of human disease.

Simple research about Coronavirus COVID-19



Conduct a Coronavirus Outbreak investigation and discuss your findings with other colleagues. Ensure you apply steps of how the disease spreads and preventative measures to stop the spread.

Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) or 2019-nCOV is the latest outbreak that has a grave effect on the respiratory functionality. This respiratory illness emanated from Wuhan City, China. COVID-19 has now spread to other parts of world, with Europe as the Epicenter. While researchers have been working with a family of Coronaviruses for the last 3 decades, the recent outbreak of COVID-19 is analogous to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), hence this team of researchers can help the world zero-in on the right vaccine because they have a grasp of COVID’s biological features, pathogenesis, transmission between different species and its ability to adapts to the new ecosystem. To arrive at the best diagnostics, therapy and vaccines against COVID-19, NIAID scientists and researchers have the requite experience to exploit modern technology of cell and molecular biology not only to understand the intracellular reproduction as well as viral biology but also use reverse genetics to elaborate determinants of how COVID-19 replicates, how different species adapt in a given ecology and the spread of human disease.

Coronaviruses are a huge genus of viruses that may cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illness such as the common cold in people. Research shows that there are hundreds of coronaviruses that are found in pigs, camels, bats and cats and may often spillover to humans causing diseases. A few coronaviruses cause serious ailment such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and COVID-19 which emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan City China. Nonetheless, there are also coronaviruses that cause mild ailments such as flue and include viruses such as 229E, OC43, NL63 and HKU1. To find the best cure for COVID-19, NIAID scientists can consider the use of broad-spectrum antivirals and monoclonal antibodies.

Simple research about Coronavirus COVID-19

Simple research about Coronavirus COVID-19

Simple research about Coronavirus COVID-19

Conduct a Coronavirus Outbreak investigation and discuss your findings with other colleagues. Ensure you apply steps of how the disease spreads and preventative measures to stop the spread.

Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) or 2019-nCOV is the latest outbreak that has a grave effect on the respiratory functionality. This respiratory illness emanated from Wuhan City, China. COVID-19 has now spread to other parts of world, with Europe as the Epicenter. While researchers have been working with a family of Coronaviruses for the last 3 decades, the recent outbreak of COVID-19 is analogous to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), hence this team of researchers can help the world zero-in on the right vaccine because they have a grasp of COVID’s biological features, pathogenesis, transmission between different species and its ability to adapts to the new ecosystem. To arrive at the best diagnostics, therapy and vaccines against COVID-19, NIAID scientists and researchers have the requite experience to exploit modern technology of cell and molecular biology not only to understand the intracellular reproduction as well as viral biology but also use reverse genetics to elaborate determinants of how COVID-19 replicates, how different species adapt in a given ecology and the spread of human disease.


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