Psychology Scenario: Post-Traumatic Distress Syndrome

Psychology Scenario: Post-Traumatic Distress Syndrome

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All students will have a case scenario in which the application of each counseling theory is applied. Each Scenario needs to be 250 words.
Scenario 6:
A client/person/co-worker, focuses on how difficult life is at work, constantly complains and states if only they could get rid of these things that are bothersome she would be so much happier. How would you use the avoidance of focusing on symptoms according to reality therapy to change your interactions with her?
Scenario 7:
Your client/person/friend talks to you about a very difficult life that he has had. You notice that the themes are based on failure yet he is a very successful person in his personal and professional life. How do you listen for an alternative story and re-author his life according to narrative theory?
Scenario 8:
You have decided to live life more fully, be more present and define your purpose after a major life changing event. How would you know if you were doing so?


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