Medical Marijuana Should Be Made Legal In All States

Medical Marijuana Should Be Made Legal In All States

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Marijuana is a topic of significant public discourse in the United States. It is not always easy to find the latest, research-based information on marijuana to answer to the common questions about its health effects, or the differences between Federal and state laws concerning the drug. Confusing messages being presented by popular culture, media, proponents of “medical” marijuana, and political campaigns to legalize all marijuana use perpetuate the notion that marijuana is harmless. This significantly diminishes efforts to keep our young people drug free and hampers the struggle of those recovering from addiction.In 1996, California voters passed Proposition 215, making the Golden State the first in the union to allow for the medical use of marijuana. Since then, 23 more states, the District of Columbia and Guam have enacted similar laws that now allow for comprehensive public medical marijuana and cannabis programs. Recently approved efforts in 14 states allow use of “low THC, high cannabidiol (CBD)” products for medical reasons in limited situations or as a legal defense. Those programs are not counted as comprehensive medical marijuana programs. Some of the most common policy questions regarding medical marijuana include how to regulate its recommendation, dispensing, and registration of approved patients.  Some states and localities without dispensary regulation are experiencing a boom in new businesses, in hopes of being approved before presumably stricter regulations are made.  Medical marijuana growers or dispensaries are often called “caregivers” and may be limited to a certain number of plants or products per patient.  This issue may also be regulated on a local level, in addition to any state regulation.


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