Measuring factors influencing Thiqa patient loyalty to outpatient medical services
Measuring factors influencing Thiqa patient loyalty to outpatient
medical services: An empirical study in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
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This paper aims to conceptualize and empirically examine the factors
determining patient loyalty through the mediation of patient
satisfaction using a combination of two different modified models, the
European Customer Satisfaction Index (Askariazad & Babakhani, 2015) and
the Service Quality Model, or SERVQUAL (Ananthanarayanan Parasuraman,
Zeithaml, & Berry, 1988). These are in addition to other variables that
have been the focus of prior research, which include physician–patient
relationship, switching cost, and waiting time, as independent variables
and moderators to the relationship between overall patient satisfaction
and patient loyalty. In this study, a conceptual framework is developed
called the Thiqa Patient Satisfaction Index, which includes the
constructs mentioned above and explores the relationship they have with
each other, focusing on national patients only.