ENG 1012 Assignment: Slumdog Millionaire Movie Review

ENG 1012 Assignment: Slumdog Millionaire Movie Review

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Essay #1 Assignment
ENG 1012_ Professor Lisa Stubbs
Essay #1: Film Review DUE: Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Using the NY Times review of “Slumdog Millionaire” and other reviews from reputable sites as models, write your own 2-3 page typed review of the film. In the review, be sure to provide enough summary of the film for those who have not seen it to infer and understand the basic plot of the story. Comment on both the form (that is, the aesthetic style) and content (that is, the storyline and how it is enacted) of the film, describing specific scenes to help make your points. Be sure to reference and respond to at least two other reviews of the film in your review (Dargis’ review and one that you find on your own). You do not need to provide a detailed explanation of each referenced review. Instead, summarize the key part(s) of the reviews that you wish to respond to and discuss whether or not you agree, disagree, or both. Finally, make sure to close with a catchy statement that makes clear your overall rating of the film (warm, cold, somewhere in between). As with every essay for this class, your review should adhere to MLA formatting guidelines, including 12pt font, double-spacing, 1 inch margins, in-text citations, and an MLA header. If you need clarification on these guidelines visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab at: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/.

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