Discussion Board: Information Technology and Patient Safety

Discussion Board: Information Technology and Patient Safety

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I have to write on the discussion board and answer the following question: Information technology is identified as an essential tool for advancing patient safety.Nurses, interprofessional teams, patients and families rely increasingly on information technology to communicate, manage information, mitigate error potential, and make informed decisions.Describe how information technology can be used to enhance patient safety.(Do not choose as your topic the following:smart pumps, bar-coded medication administration or monitors interfaced to automatically document in the EHR.Be more creative in your topic choice.) It has to be between 300-400 words. I am attaching a Rubric. Please follow it closely. It must contain 3 or more sources once of which should be Leading and Managing in Nursing Chapter 11. Sources must be scholarly! Nothing older than 5 years. This is important! Please keep wording simple. Not too elaborate. No plagerism! No grammatical errors.

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Unless prior faculty notification and negotiation of an extended deadline, ten (10) points will be deducted per day if submitted late.  Assignment will not be accepted if submitted more than 3 days late and assigned grade will be 0 (zero).


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