Describe Western Cannibalization of Developing Nations

Describe Western Cannibalization of Developing Nations

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There are two dramas that we have read, you only need to choose one of them to write from the following requirement. you don’t have to write the whole 3 pages it should be around 2.5 pages. Moveover, please carefully read the requirement. I will post the topics and ideas that you can use.
Ps: if you need the copy of the whole drama i can send to you because it requires some of the quotes from the drama.
Here is the requirement from teacher
the dramas are ( Manjula Padmanabhan: Harvest (india)/ Jimmy chi and Kuckles: Bran Nue Dae ( Australia)
1. The write-up on social commentary for the day of our Final does not need to be like a lit crit, but I do expect you to pick a question, gather evidence and find your answer (thesis), but it does not need to focus on gender, race, psychoanalysis.
2.You are focusing on an element or elements of social commentary for ONE of the dramas. Please do NOT choose to write about both. These essays never turn out well.
3. Please do not make this a long write up; I think it should be longer than the paragraph lit crit but shouldn’t be 4+ pages. Two to three pages should suffice.
4. For citing the play, since there are no act, scene, and/or line numbers for both plays, you can just use the author’s last name and page number. Then for every other quote, the page number is fine.
5. For citing a drama, you can just Block the quote like the examples below.
6. Note: If you mess up the formatting, don’t worry. If I can still follow your point, you won’t lose points.
7. Please also try to lead into your quotes (embed).


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