Describe Leadership Experience Enable Others To Act

Describe Leadership Experience Enable Others To Act

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Drawing from what you have learned about developing an operating system for leadership, write about a leadership experience you have had using ONE of the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership.
(please choose between “Challenge the Process” or “Enable others to Act”)
– Your essay should demonstrate a conceptual understanding of this leadership practice (as evidenced by references to information in the textbook)
TextBook: The Leadership Challenge (author: kouzes posner)
– It may feature you or someone else you know as the leader.
– You should include a section with action steps you can take to ensure that you demonstrate this leadership practice more consistently in the future.
– Be sure to make the conceptual links explicit in your essay. (Use references!)
English was not my first language, so please make the language as simple as possible. Please do include few grammar errors.


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