Does Technology Create a Divide between the More and Less Fortunate?
Does Technology Create a Divide between the More and Less Fortunate?
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Pick the topic of your choice from the two questions listed below and write a short essay (4 pages, double-spaced). You do not have to answer the individual questions at the end of the topics–they are meant to give you ideas that you can address in your paper.
For this paper, you also have the option to pick a current-events topic of your choice that interests you. This topic must be relevant to ethics and technology and must be defended. Define the topic and further develop your stance on the issue–why you support it, what it represents, why is it negative, what are its attributes….
This assignment will be worth 25 points and will consist of two parts: structure and content. The structure of the paper will be worth 10 points. This includes grammar, clarity, typographical errors, format, and proper citations. The paper’s content will be worth 15 points. This includes the quality of the paper–did you address all issues, is your argument supported, is the topic identified and explained?
Does Technology Create a Divide between the More and Less Fortunate?
A teacher assigns a research paper that requires students to read several articles on the web. A school requires that all students type papers on a computer and submit the papers using email. While these may be valid ways to integrate technology in the classroom, they assume all students have ample access to technology outside of school. School districts that assume all students have computers/Internet access at home place less fortunate students at a further disadvantage. These students may have to stay after school to use a computer or study at the local library to access the Internet. Students at school districts in disadvantaged areas may fall further behind if the school is unable to provide access to the technology taken for granted at other schools, including interactive whiteboards and dedicated technology specialists. These discrepancies are known collectively as the digital divide, a term used to illustrate the gap between those with and without access to technology. With the recent widespread growth of mobile device users, some aspects of the digital divide are closing. Students can email and do research on Internet-capable mobile devices. Mobile device capabilities, however, are limited. You cannot use a mobile device to write a research paper, prepare a resume, or submit a college application.
Is it the school’s responsibility to provide an even playing field regarding technology access? Should schools be allowed to require students to use technology? What steps can society take to narrow the digital divide? In your opinion, is the digital divide less/more prevalent today?