Coursework Paper: Interview About The Civil Rights Era

Coursework Paper: Interview About The Civil Rights Era

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Interview someone who is 62 years old or older.  Talk with them about what they remember during the Civil Rights Era– and if they remember anything about the Memphis Strike.

Note: If you are from another country discuss what happened in your country during this time period.  Follow the same instructions regarding background information 。

Below are some sample questions you may use in your interview. The interview must include the first two (2) questions (background information on the person being interviewed) in addition to five (5) questions from the list below in order to receive full credit. Provide detail information in paragraph format, not yes or no responses.

Sample Interview Questions

Could you please give me some basic background information about yourself—your full name, date and place of birth, parents and siblings, race/ethnicity ancestors, spouse and children, education, religion, community involvement, professions, political party, etc.?

Growing up during segregation, can you recall an early incident(s) when you recognized a difference of treatment on account of color?

Describe your memories of segregation. What was it like? Were you ever personally discriminated against because of your race? How did you respond to this treatment? How did it make you feel? Did you ever confront the discrimination? If not, why?

Do you remember family members, friends, or individuals in your community being discriminated against under legal segregation? In education, public accommodations, employment, etc.? How did this make you feel? Was the treatment ever violent? If so, how did the communities (white and black) respond? Were the responses to the discrimination different depending on race? Were there differences between how young people and older people responded?

If you attended a segregated school, how did it compare with schools attended by students of the opposite race? Were there any interactions between the white and the black schools?

If you were one of the first students to attend an integrated school, will you please describe that experience? How did you feel about being a “first”? What student organizations did you belong to? Did you play athletics on an integrated team? Describe some of these experiences

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