Course Reflection Assignment: Interesting Social Theories

Course Reflection Assignment: Interesting Social Theories

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In your first course reflection, please answer FOUR out of the following five questions and make sure to follow the instructions posted below. You have two weeks to develop and refine your answers and must submit them electronically via Canvas Assignments by October 10, 11:59pm. Feel free to use this Word document template to develop your answers and copy your responses into Canvas/Assignments/Course Reflections 1 as a Text Entry.
1. Which social theories do you find particularly interesting or insightful in study of cities? List at least three theories and describe one in detail by showing how it can be useful to understand contemporary urban issues (your choice). Insert your answer here
2. Marcuse describes several types of spatial urban divisions. Which ones of those would you consider the most important and why? Which of those are particularly noticeable in contemporary Cities?Insert your answer here
3. What role does the “public sector” play in the development of cities, the growth of some areas and the decline of others? What instruments does it use How does a political economy perspective add to our understanding of the relationship between urban space, people, and capital? Insert your answer here
4. How does a Political Economy Perspective add to our understanding of the relationship between urban space, people, and capital?Insert your answer here
5. Why does “race” matter in the social construction of the contemporary urban landscape?Insert your answer here
Bibliography  (alphabetical listing of all references used in your answers)Insert your references here:
INSTRUCTIONS (use this as a “checklist” before you submit!)We recommend you develop your answers in this Word document Answer Template and once satisfied, copy and paste your answers into Canvas/Assignments’ text entry window. Make sure the answer is properly displayed before hitting submit.Each of the four answer should be at least one page in length (2.0 line spacing), should start out with a topic sentence, and should provide a coherent and complete narrative. The answers must consist of complete sentences (no bullet points!) and must make reference to at least one reading or external resources to substantiate your answers. Reputable sources other than the assigned readings including websites are permissible.All references should be summarized in an alphabetized bibliography at the end of the document. The bibliographic entry should at minimum identify the author, year of publication, title, and publisher (or journal, or website URL).  Any commonly used citation rules are permissible provided you apply them consistently.Any form of plagiarism, including the use of assignments from previous courses, will result in an F-grade for the assignment AND for the course. No exceptions! (Note: Canvas comes with plagiarism detection software!)Your answers will be graded by your Discussion Leader, checked by your instructor, and uploaded onto Canvas/Grades alongside a short comment. In case your answers are not up to par, you will have a chance to correct and improve your answers and re-submit (the final grade for the assignment will be the mathematical average between first and second submission).  The assignment is DUE OCTOBER 10 by midnight  and must be uploaded electronically via Canvas/Assignments/Course Reflection 1 as file upload OR text entries. Late submission penalties apply for any submission past the due date (one grade-point per day).
Good luck with the assignment and contact us if you have questions or concerns. Jurgen and LoC Team

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