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Godfather and Goodfellas Compared

Godfather and Goodfellas compared

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The Godfather and Goodfellas are similar in many aspects when it comes to theme and characterization; nonetheless, the tone, direction and photography in the two movies make them completely different. The essay demonstrates how both films highlight the tinges and intricacies of the Italian Mafia lifestyle from a criminal vantage point. It inspects how the directors of the two movies portray the philosophy of family, folklore, culture and faith without overlooking to display graphically the recklessness, aggression, voracity and exploitation that infiltrated Mafia way of life.

Characters in both films ………………….


Works Cited

Durgnat, Raymond. “The Gangster File: from the Musketeers to Goodfellas.” Monthly Film Bulletin 58.687 (1991): 93.
Greene, Naomi. “Coppola, Cimino: The operatics of history.” Film Quarterly (1984): 28-37.

Hayward, Keith J., and Jock Young. Cultural criminology. SAGE Publications Limited, 2008.

Le Sueur, Marc. “Theory Number Five: Anatomy of Nostalgia Films: Heritage and Methods.” Journal of Popular Film and Television 6.2 (1977): 187.

LiPuma, Edward. “Capitalism and the Crimes of Mythology: An Interpretation of the Mafia Mystique.” The Journal of Ethnic Studies 17.2 (1989): 1.

Schneider, Jane, and Peter Schneider. “The anthropology of crime and criminalization.” Annual review of anthropology 37 (2008): 351-373.


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