Clipboard Tablet Co: 2012-2015 report

Clipboard Tablet Co: 2012-2015 report.

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Introduction. This report presents the results of a four years’ strategy, spanning from 2012 to 2015. The strategy revolves around three products, X5, X6 and X7, and it is based on R&D’s budget, plus a throughout analysis of sales and performances on the market.

Clipboard Tablet Co: 2012-2015 report.

Order 100% plagiarism free essay on Clipboard Tablet Co: 2012-2015 report


The strategy that I have used started with questioning the real necessity of a third product, the X7: while this product had a much larger customer base than X5 and X6 it was possible to argue that a larger customer base was not always the only way to make a growth for the company (Brandenburger & Nalebuff, 1995). Instead, I agreed with the view of Mozzucato (2002), arguing with the idea that a small niche could be a great payoff for the company than a large marketplace. So, my strategy was based on our two existing products, X5 and X6, without having a third one. Every year, looking at the performance, market saturation, sales and other indicators, I chose a different action in order to achieve the objective of maximizing the company’s profit

Clipboard Tablet Co: 2012-2015 report.

Order 100% plagiarism free essay on Clipboard Tablet Co: 2012-2015 report

Introduction. This report presents the results of a four years’ strategy, spanning from 2012 to 2015. The strategy revolves around three products, X5, X6 and X7, and it is based on R&D’s budget, plus a throughout analysis of sales and performances on the market.

Clipboard Tablet Co: 2012-2015 report.

Order 100% plagiarism free essay on Clipboard Tablet Co: 2012-2015 report


The strategy that I have used started with questioning the real necessity of a third product, the X7: while this product had a much larger customer base than X5 and X6 it was possible to argue that a larger customer base was not always the only way to make a growth for the company (Brandenburger & Nalebuff, 1995). Instead, I agreed with the view of Mozzucato (2002), arguing with the idea that a small niche could be a great payoff for the company than a large marketplace. So, my strategy was based on our two existing products, X5 and X6, without having a third one. Every year, looking at the performance, market saturation, sales and other indicators, I chose a different action in order to achieve the objective of maximizing the company’s profit

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