Chapter 3: German Leaders Went To War In 1914 With Eyes Wide Open

Chapter 3: German Leaders Went To War In 1914 With Eyes Wide Open

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1. What perspectives tend to see World War I as a “blind blunder?” Which ones see it as an unintended or undesired consequence? What concepts do they use to support their arguments?

2. Which perspectives would emphasize each of the factors Lieber lists?

3. After reading this passage, what level of analysis do you expect Lieber will use in his argument?

4. How great a role did Germany play in the origins of World War I? How would arguments from different levels of analysis see Germany’s role differently?

5. What does Lieber see as the relationship between theory and history?

6. What issues does his critique point out regarding the use of history to formulate theory? Is it important for analysts of international relations to be conscious of new interpretations offered by historians?

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