What Aspects Of Content And Organization Did Your Partner Do Well On?

What Aspects Of Content And Organization Did Your Partner Do Well On?

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Peer Review Report Form
Your Name:        Your Partner’s Name:
Part 1: Content & Organization
Read through your partner’s essay and focus on content and organization.
First, write a reverse outline of your partner’s essay in the space below:
Based on this reverse outline, do you notice any areas for improvement? Consider the following:
• Introduction: enticing hook, good summary, clear thesis statement with an original argument
• Body Paragraphs: topic sentences that connect to the thesis, one main argument per paragraph, clear evidence and explanations, logical paragraph order, transitions within and between paragraphs
• Conclusion: restated thesis, summary of the entire essay, broader implications
Summarize your findings:
1. What aspects of content and organization did your partner do well on? 2. What aspects of content and organization need work? What suggestions do you have to help your partner address these issues? Part 2: Language
Read your partner’s essay again and focus on grammar and vocabulary. Pay attention to:
• Sentence variety• Run-ons, comma splices, or fragments• Verb tenses (consistency and shifting)• Subject-verb agreement• Transition words, adverbials, and prepositional phrases• Structures for concession and counterargument•Verbs for summarizing others’ arguments• Templates for explaining “they say/I say”• Other…?
Summarize your findings:
1. What aspects of grammar and/or vocabulary did your partner do well on?
2. What are 2-4 issues with grammar or vocabulary that you noticed? Provide examples and suggest what your partner can do to address these issues.

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