Explain Your Intentions And Objectives For The Project From A Narrative Perspective

Explain Your Intentions And Objectives For The Project From A Narrative Perspective

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Explain Your Intentions And Objectives For The Project From A Narrative Perspective (Essay Sample)


This assignment will require you to produce a 3-4 page creative “rewrite” or cover of a work of literature we have read. For example, you might re-conceptualize a pivotal scene from a text from the point-of-view of an antagonist or secondary character, change the time period that the work is set in, reframe the central conflict at play, etc. Additionally, you will compose a 1-page reflection/rationale in which you explain your intentions and objectives for the project from a narrative perspective. While this assignment is designed to afford you some creative latitude, understand that my assessment will focus more on how you convey your understanding of literature than on your abilities as a fiction writer.

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