Applied Statistics
Applied Statistics
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Sumative assessment – a coursework (statistical report) assignment of
3000 words, associated with the learning outcomes of the module.
Students will be provided with teaching dataset which they will use to
conduct and report statistical analysis to demonstrate achievement of
the learning outcomes for the module. The report should contain critical
discussion of statistical methods, theories and principles which support
and underpin any decisions taken in preparing and undertaking data
analysis to investigate a given public health related issues.
As part of the assessment, students will be provided with a set of
questions to investigate using a given dataset*. The statistical
analysis report is expected to: outline and critically justify choice(s)
of statistical analyses methods; and demonstrate appropriate reporting
and interpretation of relevant module concepts. The report should
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of all relevant stages of
statistical data analysis process i.e. from preparing data (e.g.
investigating and reporting appropriate descriptive statistics) through
to performing substantive statistical analysis to address the given
questions. Statistical analysis will be conducted using SPSS.
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