Analytic Epidemiological Literature Review of HAT

Analytic Epidemiological Literature Review of HAT

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Analytic Epidemiological Literature Review of HATTOPIC is : Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)Review the current analytical epidemiological data and literature on HAT.1) Summarize current hypotheses that have been proposed to explainthe observed distribution AND associated factors / determinants ofyour GHP disease. In other words, analytic epidemiology analyzesthe “why” and “how” of a disease and disease process.You are to summarize why the distribution and the associatedfactors/determinants of the disease exist the way that they doand why they are major issues with respect to your GHP.2) List the principal gaps in knowledgeabout the distribution and determinants of the health problem.3) Review and summarize pertinent evidence-based,epidemiological research studies on appropriate determinantsof disease (case-control, cohort, randomized controlled trials,and other epidemiological studies).a) This review MUST contain at least TWO prospective cohort studiesor TWO retrospective cohort studies. The chosen studies MUSTcontain statements in the methods section that the study designis either an epidemiological prospective study design or an epidemiologicalretrospective study design.b) This review MUST contain and at least ONE case-control study.The chosen study MUST contain statements in the methodssection that the study design is an epidemiological case-control study.c) This review MUST contain at least ONE randomized controltrial and/or systematic review or meta-analysis.4) Review and summarize evidence –based literature oneffective screening, diagnosis, treatment, surveillance andprevention with respect to your GHP disease IN The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).5) Suggest areas for further research (hypothesis testing/analytical epidemiology research studies).6) Critically appraise the data as a whole; What is the current state of the evidence/study data?7) Formatting: Assignment MUST include a title page,a table of contents and in-text subheadings for each requirednumerical (listed above) assignment component.


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