Broyles Textbook Exercise 7: Fundamentals of Statistics in Health Administration
Broyles Textbook Exercise 7: Fundamentals of Statistics in Health Administration
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Use Excel to complete Exercise 7 on page 208 (ANOVA) in the textbook Fundamentals of Statistics in Health Administration By Broyles.
Answer the questions at the end of the exercise.
In a multi-institutional arrangement, we are concerned about the delay in transferring inpatients to an alternate source ofcare after hospitalization.Wemeasured the delay in transfer bythe lapse oftime between thedate on which the patient wasclinically ready for transfer andthe date on which the patient wasdischarged to a long-term care fa-cility.Focusing on three ofourhospitals,we randomly selectedfive patients who were trans-ferred to a nursing home fromeach hospital and obtained thefollowing data:Hospital ABC1081512622952111 101914918If□□0.05,use these data to de-termine whether the differencesamong treatment effects are sig-nificant or attributable to chance.2.A random sample ofsix employ-ees assigned to each ofthree de-partments showed the number ofdays absence because ofillnessduring the past year:RadiologyLaboratoryDietary9410621373115698587112If□□0.05,determine whetherthe differences among the depart-ments are significant or attribut-able to chance?3.After selecting six visits fromeach offour clinics,the amountoftime committed to initial visitswas as follows:45561_CH08_183_210 6/29/05 11:16 AM Page 207 ClinicABCD252015183018172132211722361918233122201929232119If□□0.05,use these data to de-termine whether there are signifi-cant differences in the amount oftime committed to initial visitsprovided by the four clinics.4.Referring to the original data in ex-ercise 1,suppose each row is nowdefined by a different diagnosis:DiagnosisHospital ABC110815212622395214111019514918If□□0.05,determine whetherdifferences among the treatmentand block effects are significant.5.Assume that in an evaluation ofthe laboratory,we are interestedin the efficiency ofthree techni-cians when they process fourtests.The following data,mea-sured in minutes,represents thetime required by each technicianto provide each ofthe services.TechnicianProcedureABC1201822235333731416184454746If□□0.05,determine whetherthe differences among the treat-ment and block effects aresignificant.6.Using the data in exercise 3,as-sume that each row correspondsto a given time during the day,measured from the physician’sinitial contact with the patient.TimeClinicABCD8□9:592520151810□11:593018172112□1:59322117222□3:59361918234□5:59312220196 □7:5929232119If□□0.05,determine whetherthe differences among the treat-ment and block effects aresignificant.7.A large health maintenance orga-nization is interested in the pre-scribing patterns ofphysicians.Suppose that we selected a ran-dom sample ofthree patientstreated for four diagnoses bythree physicians.PhysicianDiagnosisABC111,7,98,6,75,4,7214,10,1110,9,86,8,734,5,35,5,63,4,2410,9,76,7,45,6,3If□□0.05,determine whetherdifferences among the treatment,block,and interactive effects aresignificant.8.The budgetary request from eachofthree long-term care facilitiesoperated by our organization wasbased in part on the case com-plexity ofresidents.To assess thesituation,suppose that weselected four patients in each of208Chapter 8:Analysis ofVarianceR,O three age groups from each ofthefacilities and obtained the num-ber ofsecondary diagnoses pre-sented by each resident.Theresults derived from the samplesare as follows.Exercises209FacilityAge GroupABC65□742,4,3,57,4,8,910,9,7,875□844,5,5,66,8,9,1011,10,9,1285□5,6,7,57,9,10,1113,14,12,12Let □□0.05 and determinewhether differences among thetreatment,block,and interactiveeffects are significant or attribut-able to chance.