PAF 101 Exercises – Module 1 Public Policy: Poverty

PAF 101 Exercises – Module 1 Public Policy: Poverty

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Adhere to the Formatting & Grammar Tips, under the Module tab on the course website. Consider them to be part of the directions for this and all modules.
Failure to complete the two assessments in a thoughtful way could lead to up to a 6-point deduction on the Skills Win! category under ‘Points Deduction.’
Skills Win! Exercise: Skill Sets 1 & 2: Taking Responsibility and Developing Physical Skills
Total Points Lost: _____ (Maximum: 6 points)
Complete the following.
Estimate your level of performance based on the scale below for each of the four skills. Put parentheses around your selection; make sure both your selection and parentheses are bold.
In one sentence, identify and provide evidence for a skill you need to improve the most.
Place response here: I bought too much useless stuff and I have to through them away before I move to another place.
Complete the following.
Estimate your level of performance based on the scale in Part B for each of the four skills. Put parentheses around your selection; make sure both your selection and the parentheses are bold.

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