How can Trinity Independent Living increase customer awareness through online and offline strategies
How can Trinity Independent Living increase customer awareness through online and offline strategies
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4.2.1. List of Appendices (only if there are many)
If you have many appendices, making a list of them may be useful. Appendices must be assigned
a number and a title, e.g. ‘Appendix 1: List of Potential Competitors’. However, only the number is
referred to in the report, e.g. ‘see Appendix 2’. The list of appendices is placed either in the table
of contents or on a page of its own after the table of contents.
4.2.2. List of Figures and Tables (may be required)
This list must contain a full listing of all figures and tables used in the report. The list is
constructed according to the same principles as the table of contents. The list of figures and
tables are found on a different, subsequent page than the table of contents.
4.5. The Main Section
The main section is divided into three separate parts:
• Analysis
• Findings
• Plan of action/recommendations
How can Trinity Independent Living increase customer awareness through online and offline strategies
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Analysis: In this part all your analysis must be done. This is where you use your methods and
models. It is a good idea to make a brief conclusion after each analysis, summarizing the most
important points. Before moving on to your findings, it is important that you carry out a quality
assessment of your data, methods and models (see below).
Findings: Once you have finished your analysis and done your quality assessment, you are ready
to state your findings. This section must state exactly what your data has shown , i.e. you interpret
the data and information. This section states the results of your analysis.
The analysis and the findings are where you address the ‘what’ and ‘why’ questions from your
problem formulation.
Plan of action/recommendations: Having completed your analysis and stated your findings, you
are now in a position to propose a plan of action for the company or you may want to present
recommendations to its decision-makers. This section is the normative part of your report and,
hence, addresses the ‘how’ inquiries from your problem formulation.
It is important to stress the hierarchy between these three parts. The analysis is what spurs the
findings, whereas the findings serve as indicators of what action to take. Thus, you can rarely
recommend anything without having found anything, and you can never find anything without
havinganalyzing the matters. Consequently, the analysis is the heart of the report.
How can Trinity Independent Living increase customer awareness through online and offline strategies
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4.6. The Conclusion
The project’s purpose and problem formulation are intimately linked to the conclusion. Where the
problem formulation states the problems that need to be solved, the questions that need to be
answered, and or the hypotheses that need to be verified/falsified, the conclusion what the
solutions are to these problems, what the answers are to these questions, and what validities
your hypotheses have. Therefore, in your conclusion, make sure that address whether the
project’s purpose has been fulfilled and that you have answered all items in your problem
Try not to summarize too much in your conclusion; in your conclusion you must conclude on the
subject matters, not summarize them. Also, state a concise outline of your recommendations.
New topics should not be introduced in the conclusion.
4.7. Bibliography
The project report must include a complete list of literature showing all the sources used. A
bibliography lists all the sources used in preparing the project report, including conversations,
interviews, etc. The bibliography must be compiled alphabetically.
Your project’s reference system must follow the Harvard Anglia standards. More information
regarding this standard can be found in the article “Harvard Referencing System” or at This guide will assist you when compiling
the bibliography.
How can Trinity Independent Living increase customer awareness through online and offline strategies
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The bibliography must be placed immediately after the conclusion of the project report, and
before the appendices. It is recommended using the bibliography function of Word 2007/2010
to compile the bibliography.
The bibliography is not assigned a section number. Pagination restarts with Roman numerals in
the bibliography, thus making the bibliography page ‘i’ (Roman numeral for 1) in the new
Please confer Appendix 4 for an example.
4.8. Appendices
The appendices of the project report must be numbered so that they may be referred to in the
project report itself. They are numbered chronologically depending on when they are mentioned
in the report. Also, each appendix must have a descriptive title. Appendices are placed after the
Appendices are not assigned a section number. Pagination continues with Roman numerals from
the bibliography.
5. Formal Requirements
How can Trinity Independent Living increase customer awareness through online and offline strategies
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It is imperative that you make sure that your report complies with the formal requirements
mentioned below. Any deviation from these standards will have a negative impact on the
evaluation of the report and may, in some cases, lead to the report not being accepted, despite
the contents being superb.
5.1. Layout and Standard Page
When writing a project report, you communicate your knowledge of a discipline through writing. It
is a requirement that the report is reader-friendly, meaning that you should have a reader-friendly
layout and a reader-friendly font. The following is the official style sheet of VIA University College
Font: Franklin Gothic Book
Size: 11
Line spacing: 1.15 (Word 2007 default)
Margins: 2.54 (Word 2007 default)
The above is not, as such, a requirement. It is, however, recommended that you use the style
sheets, especially for more official reports such as your final project. This booklet is written in the
official style sheet (although the booklet has been downsized from A4 to A5).
The above refers to the body text. The font of all titles is Franklin Gothic Demi. This font is bold
as default, and therefore you need not make the titles bold(er):
First level titles are in size 13: 2. Internal Analysis
How can Trinity Independent Living increase customer awareness through online and offline strategies
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Second level titles are in size 11: 2.1. Company Description
Third level titles are in size 11 and italic: 2.1.1 The Company’s Mission and Vision
Also, once you’ve written 8-10 lines in a text block, there must be a line break and a blank line
before you proceed with a new text block. This booklet follows this principle. You will also need to
comply with the KISS principle: Keep it short and simple. Write as simple as possible so that your
arguments are clear. Avoid complex sentence structures and inane fillers.
The scope or length of the report is mentioned in the assignment description. A normal page is
defined as 2.400 characters including spacing and footnotes. Say you have to write a 15 page
report. This would mean that you have 36.000 characters at your disposal for completing the
report. There is NO rule regarding ± 10%. Figures and tables are NOT included in determining the
length of the report.
The length of the report is calculated from the introduction to the conclusion. That means that
everything before the introduction and after the conclusion is not included when calculating the
number of characters of the report. Included are
• Introduction and all subsections
• Analysis
• Findings
• Recommendations
• Conclusion
How can Trinity Independent Living increase customer awareness through online and offline strategies
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These sections also correspond to the sections which are paginated with normal numerals,
although in some cases the executive summary may be included. In these cases it will be clearly
stated in the specific report guidelines.
These requirements MUST be met. Deviations from the required length will influence the
assessment of the project report negatively – possibly to the extent that the report is rejected.
You must state the number of characters on the title page.
5.2.2. Tables and Figures
Remember, all figures must include
• a number and a title, e.g. ‘Figure 1: IKEAs Strengths and Weaknesses Displayed in a BSC
• a reference; if it’s completely your own, write: “Source: Own production”
• a reference if it is a rework or adaptation of another figure or if you are using a template,
e.g. write “Source: Adapted from Porter (1983, p. 52)”
• a caption, i.e. a brief description of the figure, if the figure is complex and needs
The number and the title are placed above the figure, and the source and caption below. The
figure number may also follow the section numbers, e.g. “Figure 4.3. Value Chain”. Remember
that a figure must be able to be read on its own, i.e. out of the context of your report.
5.2.3. Citation
Quotations and citations must be identical to the original, using a narrow segment of the source.
They must match the source document word for word and must be attributed to the original
Mark the quote with quotation marks, or set it off from your text in its own block. If you choose
the latter, you do not need quotation marks, like in the following example:
How can Trinity Independent Living increase customer awareness through online and offline strategies
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The theory is incompatible with certain possible results of observation-in fact with results which everybody
before Einstein would have expected. This is quite different from the situation I have previously described, when
it turned out that the theories in question were compatible with the most divergent human behaviour, so that it
was practically impossible to describe any human behaviour that might not be claimed to be a verification of
these theories. (Popper, 1963, p.52)
The above text paragraph is an example of a quotation with correct referencing. Quote no more
material than is necessary; if a short phrase from a source will suffice, don’t quote an entire
paragraph. To shorten quotes by removing extra information, use ellipsis points (…) to indicate
omitted text, keeping in mind: Three ellipsis points indicates an in-sentence ellipsis (…), and four
points (….) indicates an ellipsis between two sentences.
It is your responsibility to record sources correctly. It must always be stated where facts and
descriptive information have been found. If no source has been listed, what has been written will
be considered your own views and findings. Paraphrasing, i.e. rewriting in your own words what
someone has said or written, is permitted, but must not be too close to the original.
Accurate documentation is a very important part of your report writing skills. Plagiarism, i.e.
copying or any use of source material without exact reference being made to the source, is not
permitted. If you are found guilty of plagiarism, you can be expelled from both the school and the
exam in question.
How can Trinity Independent Living increase customer awareness through online and offline strategies
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5.3. Header, Footer and Titles
Titles: Each section, starting with the introduction and ending with the conclusion, must be
assigned a number, e.g. ‘1. Introduction’. The same goes for all subsections. It is recommended
using no more than three levels, e.g. ‘2.1.1. Analysis of Stakeholders’. You may not have a
heading without assigning it a number. Also, all titles and headings must be stated in the table of
contents. The bibliography and appendices are not assigned a section number.
Header: All pages preceding the introduction, i.e. page 1, do not have headers. All subsequent
pages have headers and these must contain the full names of the group members. Additionally, a
design element chosen by the group may be included, e.g. the logotype of your company or
Footer: All pages preceding the introduction, i.e. page 1, do not have footers. All subsequent
pages have footers and these must contain the date of submission and page numbers.
Beginning at the bibliography, the page numbers are marked with Roman numerals. Please
confer section
5.4. for information about pagination.
5.4. Pagination
Pagination starts in the introduction, Therefore, the page where your first title is ‘1. Introduction’
is page 1. The last page that is paginated with normal numerals is the last page of the
conclusion. The subsequent page is the bibliography. From the bibliography, pagination is re-started – this time with Roman numerals. These Roman numerals continue in the appendices.
Page numbers are placed to the right and the date of submission to the left. Although, if you print
on both pages, the opposite is the case on the even pages, which is the case in this booklet.