GEOG 1303 – FE Essays – Distance

GEOG 1303 – FE Essays – Distance

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Final Exam Question Options Block A – Please select ONE essay from the
list below.
1. Compare the current states of Cambodia and Thailand; economy,
politics, physiography etc. Explain how history has impacted both of
these cultures. Include a discussion of the Khmer Rouge and the
influence of colonial powers in your answer. 2. Discuss Russia’s
physiographic regions. List and describe each of the eight regions.
Include important cities and physical geography. 3.

GEOG 1303 – FE Essays – Distance

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What are the wet
monsoons? How do they impact the south Asia realm? What are the
environmental impacts of the monsoons? 4. What is spatial diffusion?
Define hierarchical and contagious expansion. Why is the concept of
diffusion significant to geography? 5. Discuss the impact of Islam on a
realm. How has it spread over time to the various regions? What are the
components of the Islamic faith? 6. Discuss the impact of Hinduism or
Buddhism on a realm, you may limit your discussion to one country or
region. Include historical analysis of the religion, its impact on the
area and major components of the belief system. 7.

GEOG 1303 – FE Essays – Distance

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Select two Culture
Hearths and compare two of these hearths and provide their geographical
and historical significance. Which Culture Hearth had the greatest
impact on global culture? Defend your position.
Final Exam Question Options Block B – Please select ONE essay from the
list below.
1. Deng Xiaoping established three economic initiatives in China; SEZ,
open cities and open coastal areas. Discuss these initiatives and their
current and future impact on China. Briefly discuss other impacts
Xiaoping has had on China. 2. Confucius said; “In a country well
governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly
governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.” What country is a good
example of this, why (other than the USA)?

GEOG 1303 – FE Essays – Distance

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What are your thoughts on
this saying, do you agree, are there limitations to its application? 3.
Discuss the impact epidemics are having in the these realms. Discuss
either a specific epidemic and its impact throughout the four realms, or
pick a sub-region or state and discuss current epidemics effecting the
area. Be sure to include the history of the epidemic, transmission,
spread and future impacts. In relation to your analysis discuss the
following terms; vector, agent, endemic, epidemic and pandemic. Draw a
map, and/or chart, to illustrate your discussion. 4. Draw and label the
Latin America City Model.

GEOG 1303 – FE Essays – Distance

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Discuss the characteristics of each component
within the model. Pick one area and describe a likely “day in the life”
of a resident. Use either a paint program (MS Paint is free and standard
on every PC) or hand draw and scan in your drawing, do not submit a
textbook image or internet image. You will not be graded on neatness,
but creativity in your model will be considered. 5. There have been
several alliances created to spark unification in in various realms;
especially Europe, South America, SubSaharan Africa and Southeast Asia.
Pick one of these alliances and provide a detailed analysis of its
impact, story and future possibilities. Most of these alliances have a
website which have a page on News and a page on History, though a few
are only available in Spanish or Portuguese.

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