How gender plays a role in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gillman

How gender plays a role in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gillman :

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Write a 4-5 page paper, about how gender plays a role in the literature
piece “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gillman. The paper
must make an argument and not just show that a particular theme or
character’s behavior merely exists. Make some point about it.

Remember the paper must have an argument. Make sure that you are
interpreting what these works mean. Describing the actions, characters,
themes, metaphors, etc. is not an interpretation—it is a summary.
Characters, themes, symbols, etc. are a natural part of literature, so
just discussing their existence is not an argument. Good interpretations
are integrations of your interesting ideas supported with specific
evidence from the text. Literature does more than just tell a story; it
conveys something significant about human history, present, future,
culture, values, society, and ways of life. An interpretation addresses
this significance.

How gender plays a role in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gillman :

Order 100% Plagiarism Free English Essay Now

Good papers need an argumentative thesis, an introduction, and a
conclusion. An argumentative thesis offers up your ideas about a topic.
The thesis should be well supported by the body of the essay, which
should involve a careful analysis of the text(s), not just descriptions
of things. Your argument, examples, and optional research should all be
blended together throughout the paper. Do not put your opinion solely at
the end of the paper. Your ideas should be throughout the paper. Papers
should have clear, logical organization; good paragraph and sentence
structure; and few to no grammar, mechanical, and/or spelling errors.
Research is optional and should not be used unless you know how to find
appropriate sources for literary papers. The introductions and
background in our textbooks are good sources. Library article databases,
particularly the MLA database, are also good place to look for research.
DO NOT use random websites as sources, and DO NOT simply use a bunch of
ideas from sites like Spark Notes as that is a form of plagiarism. For
this class, it is completely possible and acceptable to write a paper
without using research.

How gender plays a role in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gillman :

Order 100% Plagiarism Free English Essay Now

The paper needs to be 4-5 pages in length. Include a bibliography
listing all of the literary texts you used and any research too. The
bibliography does not count towards the page requirements. Please use a
reasonable font size and style. Follow MLA guidelines for margins and
quoting the texts. Please feel free to speak to me about these papers or
visit the Writing Center. Make sure the paper is in MS Word format as
other formats will not be accepted. Remember, I do not accept late work
except under extenuating circumstances.

How gender plays a role in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gillman

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