Global and Visual Culture

Global and Visual Culture

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Assignment: Reflective and creative project:

Reflective and creative project: Global and visual culture
Research in to the topic of Global Visual Culture and work with tutor to
agree a question to explore. In response to the research develop a
research project that includes a creative piece of work and a reflective
text. Creative piece must be a a new piece of work developed as a
response to your question and the research conducted to answer it.
Alongside the creative piece submit a text of between 2500 words. This
text will discuss your research question and also provide a reflection
on the creative piece and rationale for design decisions.

Global and Visual Culture

Written study:
Written communication
Knowledge and understanding of subject matter
Enquiry and use of sources
Critical `judgement and analytical ability.
Discussion should be supported by research a minimum of 15 good quality
research sources from a range of books, journals and quality online

The question agreed is how do we share brand identity through packaging
design on a global scale or How do we share brand identity through
packaging on a global scale through visual culture. I need to research
the answer to this and develop a creative piece which I will do myself.
Written part should provide a discussion as a way of answering the
question agreed and provide some reflective discussion to explain how I
arrived at my creative piece.

Global and Visual Culture

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