Science in the News

Science in the News

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Science in the News short writing assignments: As a way to become acquainted with the scientific research literature, this semester you will read three short reviews of current Biological research and write a brief summary of each of them. The reviews are published by Science, which is one of the premiere interdisciplinary scientific journals. The purpose of this activity is to:
1. introduce you to the scientific literature;
2. allow you to identify different elements of the scientific process;
3. improve your ability to communicate with others in writing; and
4. allow you to personalize the course to reflect your own interests.
You will select a brief article from a list of -40
at http://news(dot)sciencemag(dot)org/scienceno w/
Your one-page summary should answer the following five questions:
1) Who did the research, and where are they located?
2) What question were they investigating?
3) Briefly summarize their findings in your own words.
4) Explain the significance of their results.
5) How is this article relevant? Why has it captured your interest?
The summary should have approximately three paragraphs:
First paragraph, providing answers to questions (1 and 2).
Second paragraph, providing answer to question (3).
Third paragraph, providing question to answer (4 and 5).
Remember to paraphrase, not quote. Put the summary in vour own words.

Science in the News

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