Role-Playing and the Aesthetic Experience Of Game Playing

Role-Playing and the Aesthetic Experience Of Game Playing

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You’re writing an argumentative paper, presenting and defending your view; it’s rather like writing an editorial. Explain the position, and then marshall evidence and argument on your side. Whether attacking or defending some position, your best strategy is to consider the strongest objection to that position and to show how it succeeds or fails. Draw distinctions as necessary. Make sure that what you think, and your reasons for thinking it, are clear. You may use footnotes or endnotes, separate bibliography or details in the notes, whatever — as long as the relevant information is there somewhere.
A few ground rules. First, use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Second, make your references precise enough so that we can check them if necessary; if you use outside sources (there is no need to), be sure to cite them properly, giving credit where it is due. Third, strive for clarity and perspicuity: just because philosophers may sometimes be obscure doesn’t give you the same license! Finally, remember that you’re writing an argumentative paper, defending some view you hold; everything should be directed to that goal. No fluff, please.
Instead, we’ll be looking for your understanding and knowledge of the issues we’ve discussed, as well as how effectively you can put forward an argument to support your position, whatever it may be. You do not need to do any research to write this paper, but you do need think carefully about what you are claiming and why, and how to express your view effectively.

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