The Prevalence of Identity Theft in the Community

The Prevalence of Identity Theft in the Community

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Identity Theft is one of the most prolific economic crimes of the Twenty-First Century. We think that the identity thief goes through our garbage and tries to find our social security number or your date of birth. Most of the information can actually be purchased on-line from public information search services. Anyone can check for your information in your voter’s registration get a lot of information from divorce records. E-mails offering good deals in return for your basic information are common. Every time you give your credit card number to someone they can scan the information into simple electronic card reading devices you can buy on-line. For most law enforcement agencies and courts throughout the U.S. this is a crime they are just starting to become familiar with. Often we find law enforcement officers engaging private cyber security services in their investigations or have the victimized insurance or financial institution do so. In many instances, the offenders are located in foreign countries while the victims are located in the U.S. Conduct research in professional publications, media publications, and the Internet to identify different methods of how someone’s identity can be compromised and how much loss an identity thief can cause. Establish if most of identity theft is committed by a single individual or an organized group of individuals. Establish what identity thieves do with your information once they obtained it. In addition, research and document how law enforcement and the courts deal with this crime. Scholarly references required.


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