Certification Plan To Pass The Certification Exam

Certification Plan To Pass The Certification Exam

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Begin to develop a plan to pass the Certification Exam. Compare your home state’s laws (Texas) in regards to Advanced Practice Nursing Practice to an alternate state with a less or more restrictive practice environment.
To prepare:
Consider the differences in certification exams options for your specialty
Reflect on how to approach relocating licensure from one state to another
Write a 2 page paper which summarizes the following:
Identify the certification exam you selected and explain why-AANP Exam
Outline your plan for passing the appropriate National Certification Exam
Describe the NP Practice environment for your home state highlighting restrictions or limitations for practice
Describe 3 strengths identified from the FHEA Exit Exam-Diabetes, Hematology, Neurology
Describe 3 areas of weakness identified by the FHEA Exit Exam and develop a study plan for addressing these areas of weakness-Respiratory, Cardiology, Hepatitis Markers
Buppert, C. (2015). Appendix 1-A, state by state definitions of the nurse practitioner. In Nurse Practitioner’s Business Practice and Legal Guide (5th ed.) (16-32). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
O’Connell, J., Gardner, G., & Coyer, F. (2014). Beyond competencies: Using a capability framework in developing practice standards for advanced practice nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(12), 2728-2735.
Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


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