A Problem Statement: Retention Strategies In Nursing
A Problem Statement: Retention Strategies In Nursing
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Length: 2000 words ENGLISH UK
Brief description: A report on one research topic including: A PROBLEM STATEMENT, TWO different types of research question, a search strategy, a table of relevant research and critique, two contrasting methodologies and designs.
The aim of Assignment 1: is to promote your skills in developing a research topic and in preparing to justify a research project.
1. Introduction (approx. 600 words): The topic I would like to research is RETENTION STRATEGIES IN NURSING
• Research rationale with problem statement, background and definition of key terms Show the significance of the research topic (the rationale) through the problem statement and its background. Your background should define key terms (using literature) so that non-specialist readers can understand the relevance of the problem; it should also include reference to the problem in practice and in the national and international contexts.
• Two research questions and research aim/s Write two different types of research question that could legitimately be used to address your problem, or part or your problem. One of your research questions must be able to be addressed using a non-positivist methodology involving qualitative data and the other able to be used with a positivist methodology where quantitative data is collected. Also, write an aim for each of the research questions.
2. The literature: • Search (approx. 300 words) Demonstrate that you have undertaken a systematic search by presenting your search strategy (i.e. search ‘string’ with Boolean operators, delimiters and databases) and a summary of the search results. Note revisions to your strategy and where your strategy varied due to the database. A table (not included in word limit) may be used to outline the stages of the search and the number of articles found at each stage. • Table of relevant research literature (table not included in word limit) Construct a summary table of 10- 12 of the research articles most relevant to one or both of your research questions (some may not be very relevant). Order the articles with the most relevant ones toward the top so the final article in the table is least relevant. Your summary table should include the following columns: Author and year, Aim/ Purpose, Methodology /Study Design, Sample/ Participant characteristics, Data collection /analysis and Key findings. NOTE: you may use direct quotes in this table but they must include page number/s and the article must be in your Reference List. If quotes are not suitably acknowledged you will be referred for Academic misconduct.
• Critique (approx. 650 words) Based on an appraisal of each article from your table, write a short paragraph of brief critique per article. Begin each paragraph by citing the article’s first author and year so the reader can easily find the article in the table. Each paragraph should demonstrate how the article is relevant to the research problem and use critique to show why the article does not fully address one or both your research question/s. Do not include a summary of the article or a full or even partial appraisal.
3. Methodologies and designs (two paragraphs, total approx. 450 words) In this section you are asked to outline your understanding of the differences between your chosen methodologies and designs using one paragraph for each type.
Outline each of the following:
a) the underlying assumptions of your chosen non-positivist methodology and a design involving qualitative data (paragraph 1)
b) the underlying assumptions of your positivist methodology and the quantitative research design (paragraph 2).
Note: in this assignment tables and reference lists are not included in the word count. Grading criteria for Assignment 1: Grading Proportions (%) A. Evidence of the following: 1. INTRODUCTION, including:
a) Rationale: Problem statement, background and definition of key terms 20
b) Research aim and question for non-positivist methodology / qualitative data 10
c) Research aim and question for positivist methodology / quantitative data 10
2. THE LITERATURE, including a) Search strategy (i.e. search ‘string’ with Boolean operators, delimiters and databases) and summary of search results (i.e. numbers found for each stage of search) 10
b) Table of 10-12 relevant research articles 10
c) Brief critique of the 10-12 relevant research articles 20
3. METHODOLOGIES AND DESIGNS, including paragraphs outlining:
a) Non-positivist methodology with qualitative design 10
b) Positivist methodology with quantitative design 10
B. Evidence of presentation skills • Clarity and brevity of expression • logical planning and sequence • no repetition • tables used appropriately, labeled and briefly referred to in-text; • supporting documentation for arguments • acknowledgement of documentation using appropriate referencing APA 6TH Edition