Who Gained The Most From The Colombian Exchange? Europe Or The Americas?

Who Gained The Most From The Colombian Exchange? Europe Or The Americas?

Order 100% Plagiarism free paper

We will begin the semester focusing on the topic of the Colonization of the Americas by the European nations.
Please view “The Americas Before Columbus” by the History Channel. Here is the free link:
Your assignment is a position paper. Answer the following question in your own words.
“Who gained the most from The Colombian Exchange? Europe or the Americas?”
Please cite examples of facts from the documentary. I am interested in your opinion based on facts.
The format for the paper will be 2 page double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font. It should be 500 words long.
1) Do Not Plagiarize. All papers submitted are vetted through the college’s computer program for copies work. So, no, you cannot cut and paste from the internet (wikipedia, quorum, etc). Plagiarism is grounds for dismissal from the class.
2) Use Footnotes. If you use an outside source as a basis for your position please make a citation with a footnote for the end of the paper. Do not clog up the paper with parenthetical citations. If you quote a fact from an outside source, simply put a footnote and add where you obtained the information at the end of your paper.
The assignment is due February 6th, at 5 p.m.


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